We are Currently Hiring
Do you want a flexible job working from home (in your PJ's if you prefer)?
Do you want to chose your hours and how many you work?
Do you want to earn competitively more than the average hourly rate for a transcriptionist?
Work for Us
We have people from all walks of life who transcribe for us but to work for Scribe Transcription you will be highly motivated to delivering consistently quality work on time.
You have an exceptional eye for detail and enjoy working right first time.
You enjoy the freedom of setting your own workload and love the variety of a wide range of transcript sectors and topics.
You love words and love crafting them. We are Wordsmiths; join our team.
You must have a proven audio typing/transcription experience along with:
• A minimum typing speed of 70 wpm
• Regular daytime availability (Monday to Friday), as well as possible evenings and weekends if you prefer.
• A PC operating Windows XP or later and Word 2000 or later
• Full Broadband access
Fill in an application form here.